Friday, April 7, 2023

(#5178) I suspect that today will be our last rainy day in Sacramento for some time

      It has been raining consistently for the last several early morning hours and is expected to keep on raining throughout the day. I am really happy about that because the next rain we will see here is likely not to come for some time. As hot as it gets in this area I will soon miss any of the inconveniences that rain causes. Because hot is hot and an artificial cooling off will be our next inconvenience for the next many months. I am working part time again outside so the heat that is coming is going to be very uncomfortable. Plus the sun exposure on my skin will also become a bother.
     I will protect my skin as best as possible from the rays of the sun but the heat is something that I will be less able to protect against. When I was young I loved the heat here in my area but now that I am older I much prefer cooler climates. For one, the rain promotes green growth that is hard to find here in Sacramento during the late spring, summer and early fall. After having spent nearly 20 years living up in the northern Seattle area I came to enjoy the greenery year round. With all that plant growth the available oxygen levels were also appreciated. The colorful scenery and its beauty is inspirational as opposed to the brown and heat that I will be experiencing that is so much less inspiring.
     I love my hometown but not the heat in this stage of my life. That rather contradicts popular belief among my age group as many head to warmer climes during the cooler months. I am the opposite as I could live in cooler climes for the rest of my life. I will work to endure my current fate but always at the back of my mind is the idea that some day I may be able to relocate back up north and finish out my years. However it turns out for me I will endure and find the best of whatever my world dictates. It is good to be alive and thinking about choices I may be able to make if it were up to me as so many are not in a position to even contemplate another reality.

1 comment:

mothernatureearthmom said...

I can sympathize with loving the cooler climes. I moved from Florida to Portland 15 years ago because it was getting too hot.