Wednesday, April 12, 2023

(#5183) To endure beyond the known end

      I can only imagine what it is like to die. I suspect that it is the end of everything that I am. Yet I don't know that. So being of a logical mind and heart I keep my opinion to myself and will just have to wait like everyone else to factually know what is next after death. I say actually know in a general way since if it is the end of all who I am I won't know anything after my death. But if I am still surviving as a soul in some other plane of existence then I hope to be able to carry over my memories from this existence. My memories are important to me because they detail what happened in this plane of existence.
     Not all memories are vital but the ones where I felt and lived a connection to others would be my most precious. Keeping those who were in my life and are now gone is what I hope to do in the afterlife. I don't give good odds that we exist beyond death but long odds are better than no odds. I think of it as riding through time and space with close friends and family that are of the same mindset as myself. I would never want that connection to end even after death. I do want it all I suppose but regardless it is what I want. If sheer force of will is any indication then I may have a chance.
     I know each of us are unique in our personalities and behaviors but we are all human so the likelihood that we all share a similar force of will is probable. I don't think my drive to live beyond death is uncommon among us all. I do know that in this existence the time frame for our existence is mighty short so it makes me wonder if not doubt that death is the end. I don't know but I am not persuaded by the current insufficient evidence. Surely our bodies end and that is indisputable. Without our bodies it makes no sense for us to continue to exist in this existence which is why another existence after we leave this one may exist where bodies are not needed and souls may. Either way I hope to find what I am looking for if another existence appears after this one.

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