Saturday, April 15, 2023

(#5186) How we spend our days

      Whether we think of it like this or not, in reality it is just true. We have so many days to be alive and how we spend those days should be a priority for all of us. I try to spend my days being happy and working to make life better. Those are things I can control for the most part and that is enough for me. I don't need the magical or the power to change myself into things I am not. I am just a simple human being living in an existence where time and space are limited. What happens to me after I am no more doesn't concern me. What does concern me is what time I have left to live and learn in this existence.
     Our planet is a bit unforgiving while also being fruitful. We can survive on this planet with all its myriad life forms if we apply the logic and knowledge we have accumulated over our species' time of recording such things. We are also a creative species who are able to adapt to technologies and innovations in various ways. So living on this planet should not be too difficult for all of us if we would just think of life as a gift that all of us should share. Reality is the key and keeping reality within logic and common sense should not be that difficult either. Yet we have too many who will not work to know things of fact and truth and instead they would know things that only supplement their own selfish world view.
     Getting the illogic out of our thinking is not impossible yet it seems quite daunting to devise a way to do it. We are the magnificent human being race so nothing should be beyond us given the amazing abilities we possess. In time, it is my hope that enough people will finally come into the knowledge that being happy and helping our society become something that we can all be proud of will come to pass. Living the time we have within the space that exists in a positive way should be our goal and working toward that goal starts each and every moment we live. Some of us are ready to start being who we are as an intelligent enlightened species and are just working toward helping the rest of us to catch up and join us.

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