Sunday, April 16, 2023

(#5187) I will never stop supporting Ukraine and ending Russia as it currently exists

      I may be a broken record for the foreseeable future but our democracy here in America is indirectly/directly tied to a Ukrainian victory over Russia. When Ukraine defeats Russia, our democracy becomes stronger. We will have shown the world that tyranny cannot survive the will of people to have freedom and the liberty to choose their own government. This invasion by Russia to end Ukraine as an entity was an intentional attempt to lay waste, with genocidal ambition, the very existence of a people. The arrogance of putin and the kremlin has been exposed and rebuffed in a very forceful way. The Ukrainian people are a mighty people who are not afraid of fighting for their freedom.
     The difference between a Russian victory over Ukraine and not the other way around is a death knell to democracy as we know it. If the tyrant in Russia is able to destroy Ukraine he will not stop there. The rest of Europe will be in play for invasion and that would likely bring about nuclear war. So stopping the Russian horde now is the simplest way of protecting and advancing democracy while also diminishing or ending tyranny in Europe/Asia. China would be the last large tyrannical nation on the planet and their time is coming I do believe for a crushing defeat should they choose to rebel against the rest of the democracy loving planet Earth.
     So until the victory of Ukraine over Russia has been officially decided I will not relent in being a fierce supporter and reporter of Ukrainian efforts. My page on facebook and my blog will be full of Ukrainian news of note. I fight daily to keep our democracy alive and well, and occasionally stick my toe into the muck of the republican shithole pile that they pass along as news to their illogical followers. Not so much though because the shithole news the republicans thrive on can only sour my happy and that I won't allow. Others have taken up the mantle of slamming the republicans and I do support them 100%. But for me Ukraine is the epicenter of saving democracy and with it saving our own democracy here in America.

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