Saturday, April 8, 2023

(#5179) 2024 election must be a landslide for democrats

      The only way the insurrectionist republican party can be removed from office is to vote for every democrat on your ballot. Whether local, state, or federal, democrats must be voted in instead of republicans. It isn't far fetched to know that the republican party is more concerned with helping Russia, destroying democracy, reestablishing Jim Crow, and abolishing the 19th Amendment. Given these planks of the republican party it would be natural to know that they are out of step with the majority of Americans and the majority of the world.
     All democrats, not most but all, must vote for all democrats on their ballots. All independents must do the same and even some fair minded republicans need to follow suit. There is no time left on the clock for a pass or for not paying attention. The republican party is now and has been for a while the anti democratic party. They want to stop being egalitarians because their belief systems are not revered under democracy. They want to "cull" out of the herd of human beings any of them that they cannot control. They want to end equality for women because they believe that women should be subservient to men. They also believe that the wealthy should dominate the rest of us in all walks of life.
     If you believe I am embellishing the faults of the republican party then you are not paying attention. They gerrymander districts so that their white voters have more clout politically over black voters. That is racism, not one person one vote. They want to regulate the bodies of women while allowing guns to be widespread and easily available to any and all. They want to see putin take over Europe because he wants it. There is no room left for democracy in the republican party because they don't see themselves as equal to anyone. Instead they think themselves superior to any and all who are not them. Being a republican today is to be a turncoat to democracy and individual rights. Who would want a republican world where only the privileged can decide their own fate?

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