Tuesday, April 25, 2023

(#5196) The republicans foster hatred, while democrats look to eliminate hatred!

      The current republican plan for hatred is to either ignore it or foster it. That is a fact and every policy that republicans are either supporting or denying is directly related to keeping hatred growing or not diminishing. We democrats on the other hand see hatred as a problem that has a solution. By letting people be who they are they have less inner hatred of themselves for living lies they disdain. Because when people start to like who they themselves are they are less inclined to dislike or hate others who are only trying to do the same. Inner hatred transferred to outer hatred is linked in keeping the cycle of hatred fresh and renewed.
     The simplicity of the republican strategy of divide and conquer is as old as time itself it seems. Turning one group of Americans against another is the go to default position of republican politics. They cannot see that all Americans deserve rights and freedoms they can only see for themselves. They have taken the position that what they think is more important as a rule for you, then what you think should be a rule for you. If only they would work on their own lives and be good examples of how to live then maybe the rest of us can figure out our own lives without republicans trying to put limits and boundaries on the rest of us.
     But no. The republican party is all about hatred now and they cannot see their way clear to knock that shit off! Life is too short to have to be such assholes to everyone who is not like them. They somehow missed the melting pot concept of America and how all of us have had centuries now to incorporate differences in our combining cultures into our own unique social environment. None of us is better than another based upon race, sex, or creed. We democrats want to allow for each of us to have an opportunity to discover our inner happiness so that we can share that into our outer relationships. When we are happy with who we each are is when we will be happy with all those around us who are also being happy with who they are. It is that simple!

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