Monday, April 10, 2023

(#5181) Double triple checking myself

      Some of the mistakes I am making at work are my own fault. Not because I don't know but because I get in a hurry and once in a while forget where I am at in my process. like forgetting I put a key to a vehicle in my pocket and then getting rushed at something else and then forgetting I had the key in my pocket while spending a few minutes looking for the key. Fortunately I put my hand in that pocket and surprisingly found the key before compounding my initial mistake. I really beat myself up over things like that so no one said anything to me but they sure could have and I would have no defense.
     Making sure the trailers are hitch latched and lights are working on them before leaving any yard is also a must and so far I have done really well at that. The actual driving seems to be second nature to me and backing up a truck with a trailer attached at the back has not yet become a problem. I do guard against situations that would put me into a quagmire so there is that. I expect my experience pays off in those situations. I have also found that guessing how much gas in a vehicle I have to drive from point A to point B when the gas gauge is low seems to be a plus as I have had a couple of close ones go my way. Being smart and safe on the road is the biggest concern any of us drivers have, so far so good.
     I find this morning I am still excited about going to work so this part time job is still a very good plus for me. If I have to work at least I should like it and that I do. I get up very early in the morning and make sure that I am completely ready to go to work. Even getting to work a little early so I can do some things before clocking in that are more administrative than anything else. There are good people whom I work with at the repair shop and store. So saying good morning and having a conversation or two before work helps me to get my day started right. As well I find out any news that I should be aware of since policies and practices are always being improved upon. Have a good day everyone.

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