Tuesday, April 11, 2023

(#5182) Nearly 13,000 Russian troops and associates per month have died in Ukraine because of putin

      It is insane to me that putin has survived this long and is still sending young Russian men to their deaths. What kind of society in Russia would allow the massacre of their youth for the ego of a psychopathic leader? As each day continues to roll along I have less and less sympathy for anyone in Russia outside a few who are relentless in their attempt to reorder their society toward democracy. The rest of them can just kiss my ass for being such fools and willing participants in the senseless murder of their own citizens.
     It has been nearly a full 14 months since the decayed mind of putin started his death march of young Russian men into Ukraine and that brings to nearly 180,000 the current death toll. With a population in Russia before the invasion of 41,000,000, well over 2% of the Russian population has been killed in Ukraine. The worst part of these statistics is that it is the youth who are doing the dying. What will become of the next generation of Russians if most of their youth are being offered up as cannon fodder? The old men in the kremlin aren't dying for their decision to invade a peaceful country, it is the youth who are and that is tragic!
     If at this point the Russian people who are left in their society are not going to rebel against their leaders then they can fuck off to death as well. I have no emotion over this as all emotion has left me as it concerns the continuous murder of young people. Enough of this Russian people. End the reign of your leaders and bring yourselves into the world of nations that respect life and democracy. Do the work that needs to be done to make it happen. There cannot be any fear left in you since all your fears have been realized for over a year now. Take that dull and hardened after fear and make it into a weapon that cannot be denied and apply it against your craven leaders in a way that ends their rule now!

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