Saturday, September 2, 2023

(#5326) Be the do no harm person!

      If everyone would just look at all things through the prism of "do no harm" then no harm would ever happen. Helping people instead of hurting them should always be priority number one. I have one caveat to this mantra of ours, if someone is intent and ready to do harm to me or others around me then I will defend myself and others from them. Do no harm is not a passive stance it is a balanced one when it comes to all things intelligent and wise. It takes guts to stand up for others when the outcome may well be harmful to myself or others but that doesn't stop me from exercising my courage to stop that which is wrong.
     Either be a hero or a coward. You get to choose. Some instances where living to fight another day is appropriate but nonetheless not standing up in the moment is a cowardly act. I know because I have been a coward and felt that shame when I didn't stand up and defend against the wrong in real time. So I have made it my passion to live like a hero and not a coward because suffering consequences from standing up is always much better than cowering away in shame. Life is not guaranteed to anyone so there will always be scenarios where our lives will be put in jeopardy for being brave. Yet moving past those episodes and achieving a correct and good outcome is more often than not. It is only always a loss when we cower away and do nothing.
     I know this may sound selfish on my part advocating for courage when shying away in fear will save our lives for sure but what kind of quality of life is that? Fear will only grow in the cowards life so what is life worth then? The only way to live life in this existence is for all of us to find our core and do no harm. When we do then it is upon us to defend that do no harm when harm is being done to ourselves or others. When we are being warred upon then we must defend ourselves and stop those who would kill us for their agenda. Do no harm and then defend it with all your courage and might!

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