Sunday, September 10, 2023

(#5334) Football and the war in Ukraine

      I imagine what it is like to be a Ukrainian when I sit in my chair at home and comfortably watch the start of the football season here in America. They the Ukrainian fighters are not sitting comfortably in any chair instead they are on the front lines fighting for the democracy our American founders so astutely began back in 1776. I do feel guilty that I am not out there fighting with Ukrainians against the tyranny of putin and his kremlin acolytes. But I know I am not there and I am getting a bit old for street to street hand fighting. But I can't shake the feeling that I wish I could do more to help.
     It is a turmoil within me and I have yet to resolve it as I write this blog post. I will say this that the sporting events surrounding college football are not as important with me given life and death consequences being waged this very minute. My objective view is that we all must keep living life and doing our happy enough routines but I also know we cannot blind ourselves to reality and the importance of it in Ukraine right now. Most of you already know I spend little time on anything else concerning Ukraine's survival when on social media but the actually fighting is where I am not involved and it irks me. I am less than whole when others are defending the greatest form of self government that has ever been conceived.
     I have a duty to democracy that supersedes anything I may find personally satisfying. We all do who love the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Sports are not the beginning and end of what I care about. Equality, justice, fairness and opportunity are the greatest valuations when I keep score on any playing field. I will keep following "my teams" in the sports arena but I won't be lost in the rooting of my teams regardless of how successful they are. I will keep rooting on a higher level for Ukraine and its brave citizenry as they continue to degrade the fascist tyrant putin and his quest to eliminate and destroy concepts of democracy that must never be allowed!

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