Friday, September 22, 2023

(#5346) Russia very weak on all it's other borders

      As Russia is using it's last gasp effort to remain in Ukraine, the other countries it borders with are aware of the thinning out of defenses Russia had previously had with them. Like any intelligent country aware of it's own ambitions with contested borders with Russia, plans are surely in the making to push Russia back out of contested border areas. That Russia is depleting itself of troops and armaments in Ukraine the security of Russian border defenses is surely suffering mightily. Russia, through putin and the kremlin, are stuck in a tunnel vision reality. They can only see out ahead their ambitions in Ukraine and not their vulnerabilities behind them at home.
     Something is about to break and Russia is the one who will be feeling the effect. Every day Russia loses more troops and armaments while not replenishing them in any equivalent way. So as Russia becomes less formidable there so far subdued neighbors grow more bold. The kremlin and putin have brought this on themselves because they went all in on Ukraine instead of seeing the futility of conquering Ukraine and disengaging when they could have cut their losses. Now the idea that Russia will remain intact as it currently exists is less probable than them breaking up into regional culturally orientated nations.
     The Napoleonic complex putin and the kremlin are laboring under is about to bury them as it did it's namesake. The cruel and ruthless ambition of such creatures to expend people like discarded property is doomed to failure in a world now enlightened and less forgiving of tyranny. As Ukraine continues to grow as a force to free itself from Russia, other neighboring countries who may also find their courage will be able to do the same should they take advantage of Russia's condescension of them. The reputation Russia is relying on is a farce and the world knows it now so don't be surprised if neighboring countries to Russia push back at the weakened frail bear!

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