Wednesday, September 6, 2023

(#5330) Loyalty to the republican name is a disservice to our nation

      I have heard this comment enough, "we have always voted republican" to make me sure that most republican voters do not think critically about what they are actually voting for. They vote in a knee jerk reaction because that is what they bought into very early in their lives. Their parents voted that way and now they do because loyalty is a powerful elixir. That is the epitome of subjective thought and action. Now let me explain about subjectivity. It is a personal way of being based more on feeling and opinion than fact. Weigh that against being objective; "No favoritism nor bias. Just the facts please." You can see where subjectivity gives us unstable conclusions whereas objectivity is the latest conclusion based upon the facts.
     Subjectivity thus is the foundation for the republican voter. No other rational explanation can dispute this. When facts and truths are given and the response is to dismiss them as unimportant then reality is not being examined for logical conclusions. The republican voter relies more on their interpretation of reality than actual reality given objective analysis. So it is why we are at a loggerhead with too many American voters. They will not accept facts and truths about our democracy regardless of the solid logic. Denial is a powerful alternative to acceptance and is proving to be the crux of how republican voters can systematically entrench in their biases and illogic.
     How the republican party allowed itself to be diluted into a party that even now attacks the fundamentals of democracy is shameful and nefarious. An ulterior motive is at play and it is within the power structure of republicanism. Of that there is no doubt so what is the cure for what ails republicanism? The cure must come from within the republican voter. A more critical look at what has always been their loyalty to them must be reassessed. The republican voter must now be the one to either demand the revival of the best of what republicanism meant to them or leave the republican party and let it wither from it's own poisonous bent.

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