Sunday, September 17, 2023

(#5341) We are still fighting for universal health care

      It is a lot harder to get universal health care done at the federal level when republicans are needed to work on it. They oppose the idea of a federal health care policy that involves universal coverage. They want private insurance companies involved which gives a lot of the wealthy an easy income stream for their profits. But we democrats know that reducing administrative costs that are duplicative all over the private insurance racket and eliminating corporate profits off our health miseries is the correct thing to do. So here in California we are slowly passing legislation that will end up with a plan to cover all Californians with full essential coverage.
     California Governor Newsom will have the opportunity to make law a legislative bill that will work to define income sources for a universal health care plan in California. We have seen in how rushing a universal health care bill in the past to fruition has only ended in failure. So planning how the idea of universal health care will be implemented with costs figured into the final push to get it passed is crucial. It may take another year or two even to get all the facts in place so an informed decision can be made but just know this, most civilized nations on this planet have already figured out that universal health care for their citizenry is the most effective way to ensure their health.
     There is much money that private corporations in the health care industry do not want to let go of despite it being a hardship for their customers. So government has to step in to ensure the life and health of it's citizenry despite big pharma and big private insurance company maneuvers to keep our current broken health care system in place. This is a big deal what California democrats are trying to accomplish on behalf of we all the people. The struggle for effective and intelligent design in health care delivery is at its apex and now is the time to break the stranglehold private insurance companies have over the health of our state!

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