Friday, September 29, 2023

(#5353) Courage is a beautiful thing

      There are a few human traits that absolutely attract me to those who exemplify them. Such as courage, selflessness, and kindness. There are more but right off the top of my head these three are most prominent, in general, as attracting to me in my life. When I see people who are reflecting out these noble human instincts I am flooded with emotion and awe. I have always been one who learns about the goodness in life through trial and error. Sure, there are some things I have applied logic to in order to understand the one dimensional concept but it is in the doing where I realize the length, width, and depth of that knowing.
     For me courage is the greatest of these three. My reason being is that so very few understand the necessity of courage when it is most needed. Some do and those are the ones who I feel an affinity with. Conquering fear, by the way fear is the worst of our baser human natures, yes, even worse than our depravities, is tantamount to the greatest of love. When we are able to stand up against our demons and call them out we are exemplifying the love we have for the better and best of who we are as human beings. Nothing I can think of is as comparable. I am always honored to be in the company of those who whether any knows of not have found courage when so may others shrank from their opportunity.
     With courage being the greatest attribute of the human instinct, selflessness and kindness are a close second. When I see or hear of others who are more concerned with the lesser of our societies it bonds me to them in an existential way. I feel we are a part of each other in a way that is greater than any blood or oath bond. We humans are an amazingly exceptional species and when we express our best attributes it syncs in my soul in such a universal way. Like the time space continuum that we are all part of is somehow whole. Nothing beyond these three human instincts is worthy of our honor. Some cannot understand a purpose for themselves in life but I would posit that being courageous, selfless, and kind is the only purpose we all should have.

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