Friday, September 8, 2023

(#5332) Get billionaires and the electoral college out of our politics!

      We will never survive as a democracy if we keep allowing the wealthy to control it. We the people are the ones who should elect our representatives not the wealthy for their own advantage. First there must be a wealth tax that is so damn high that billionaires are not allowed to accumulate too many resources. We the people need to have a playing field where there are vast opportunities for us not like the narrow limited ones available now. Secondly there should be no public financing of elections beyond a small donation. Thirdly there has to be controls in place where dark money through non profits or other ulterior organizations are allowed to donate to individual candidates.
     The will of the people has to be the highest priority for deciding who will lead us through our nations laws and policies. The current situation with trump is a classic example of the wealthy controlling our elections in 2016 in order to insert the most obnoxious pro wealthy president in our nations history. Through propaganda and voter suppression the wealthy have found a path toward thwarting the will of the people and it must stop now! None of it is ethical nor the intent of our founding parents. Our democracy is for all of us not just for the greedy wealthy few. It is shameful that too many wealthy have taken the position that wealth equals intelligence and wisdom. None of that has proven anything more than wealth equaling greed.
     The sooner we get the wealthy out of our politics the sooner we will get elected officials who will be focused on the problems within our societies that we the people know need attention. We the people need to reclaim our right as the ultimate arbiter of who is elected as a majority. Twice in the last 24 years a republican has been given the presidency because of the archaic electoral college and its indirect method of determining our president. Each time the republican who was appointed as president lost the popular vote. That cannot be allowed to continue and the archaic electoral college must be abolished. If our democracy is to survive under the concept of one person one vote then the influence of the wealthy and electoral college must be assigned to the trashcan of history!

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