Monday, September 25, 2023

(#5349) Nothing in your life is greater than you being a good person

      I shouldn't have to remind you that the best of what is inside you needs to be the greatest thing about you. You should know that 24/7. Every day I post on social media about why we need to do things that make all of us better and more enlightened yet each day I don't see us taking that advice. I know that our individual circumstances play a major role in us having to compromise our principles but compromising our principles is never a good idea when what we are receiving for it is just to maintain long enough to have to compromise again. We must break the cycle of trying to keep up with other folks and just work to keep ourselves happy and honorable.
     In this capitalistic world we live in it is hard to live a life of principle when just trying to stay alive is difficult enough. I get that, however beyond that when we try to be materialistic to the point of using it to satisfy our souls we make a wrong turn away from who we are. We need to have a safe harbor from which to launch who we are and that is good and correct. But being in a safe harbor is not some fantasy of having it all in that safe harbor. There are too many of us out there who are not in a safe harbor so helping them find that place for themselves is greater than any of us having too much more than needed.
     I like comfort myself but I only acquire enough comfort so that I am not horribly uncomfortable. I understand that being selfish and/or greedy is what has helped get the world into poverty. I won't be part of that and I try to give back even in my own meagerness. My soul demands it and I listen to my soul. Not some conman barker trying to tell me to take it all. The good person within me is my goal and all my effort goes toward that, not some new item to replace a perfectly good older item. Every day I see homeless people who are otherwise good people but have been handed a bad deal to suffer with. This should not be so and we, all of us, need to find it within ourselves to not accept this current reality of disparaging income inequality.

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