Tuesday, September 5, 2023

(#5329) The Russian citizenry is a shameful citizenry

      There is nothing about being a Russian citizen today that is to be admired. The only one person who has any claim to being an honest decent person is Alexei Navalny and he is in a Russian prison for being against the atrocious putin. From all evidence the rest of the Russian people are not honorable nor respectable. Why? Because they have not found a way to get out from under the rule of putin and his kremlin acolytes. Every day there are more and more Russian sons sent to their deaths in an invasion to keep the Ukrainian people from claiming their democracy.
     More than 265,000 young Russian men are now dead in Ukraine because the Russian mothers and fathers of these now dead Russian offspring would not stop their tyrannical leader. Instead they cower and ignore the devastation of human life perpetrated on their society. Where is the anger and uproar against the illegal invasion by putin of Ukraine? Where is the armed citizen rebellion against a form of government that denies rights to themselves and life to their children? Where is the basic decency required to be a human being? Nowhere in Russia! It is shameful and a stain on our human race that a maniacal despot like putin is allowed to destroy a large society with impunity.
     The history books will not be kind to the Russian people for their lack of courage. Instead the books of history will spell out their bent knee of collusion with putin to deny democracy to another sovereign nation while condemning their own children to mass death and maiming. The people of Russia are exemplifying the worst of what it is to be human and forever they will be known as the scourge of human evolution. As it stands today there is no evidence that the Russian people plan to change the trajectory of their pitiful existence They brought this upon themselves for letting their children die while they cowered in their hovels of shame.

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