Thursday, September 14, 2023

(#5338) Russia will not stop until putin is stopped!

      I am sure by now that the western nations who support Ukraine in its defense against Russian occupation know that putin is not going to stop aggressively taking over country after country until he is stopped. He thinks we in the west are afraid of him and his threats to blow up the world. Well I know that too many of us in the west are not afraid of his threats. He has been shown to be a paper tiger on the military front as Ukraine everyday keeps handing him another piece of his ass! The Russian military is not a formidable entity and is not even the best army fighting in Ukraine.
     So the inevitable question arises as to the best way to stop putin before he involves more of the few nations that are sympathetic to his world dominating viewpoint. Somehow arresting putin for his war crimes would be acceptable and having him charged and tried for those war crimes would go a long way toward deterring any further warring in Ukraine. There are those who would allow putin to be afflicted with his special brand of tea that so many of his colleagues in the past have had to suffer. Also putin should stay away from windows as there seems to be an epidemic of Russians falling out of them. The individual stopping of putin does not however seem plausible so the best way to end the putin reign is to defeat him badly on the battlefield in Ukraine.
     This is where the western nations who are, by proxy, defending democracy need to realign their caution in giving Ukraine what it needs to not only thwart Russian advances in Ukraine but to force the Russian horde to reverse and remove itself from Ukraine. Weapons of war are the pathway to ending the putin ambition in Ukraine and elsewhere. We in the west have got to understand that too much caution and visible fear are friends to putin. He sees we in the west as too fragile to stop him thus his determined stance to go all in on Ukraine. Stopping putin is done when we in the west realize that giving Ukraine what it needs to fulfill its objective of removing Russians from their land is heads and shoulders above our unhelpful caution and fear.

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