Tuesday, September 19, 2023

(#5343) Never back down from the truth even if pressed

      There is so much disinformation out there that people are coming at me with their perceptions that on the surface are unbelievable. Yet, they hear it on the "news" and since it aligns with their baser instincts it makes perfect sense to them. For example, when a person doesn't like policies that help everyone equally they reach deep down into their own ethnic foundation and find fault where none exists. Somehow democracy is at fault for trying to do what democracy does, help everyone. If it isn't racial bias or gender bias then it is some other fear that has been elevated within them as an imperative.
     There cannot be much of an argument made when the truth is being debated. The truth is what is real and arguing against it makes the arguer suspect of ulterior motives. I, along with all others in existence live in this reality so we all have the same premises to construct from. Premises may vary slightly based upon how one is affected by the occurrence but little changes from what the truth ultimately will reveal. Fact is the outcome of many truths so you and I can be certain of foundational things as we communicate with each other. Otherwise we would not be able to agree on much if the truth of our facts vary from established formulas.
     So when a person talks to me about things that are outside the truth of things I begin by telling them that the truth is what is real, not some imagined perception of it that helps them reach an illogical conclusion. I try to speak in formulas using logic and mathematics to bolster the truth through fact. I in my own way, may not like the end result of the truth of things but that isn't enough for me to ignore reality. I accept that truth and facts are the only common language we all have regardless of our dialects. In this existence we either help along our species to a higher level of life or we allow it to fall back to a lesser form of life. I will always choose to raise our standards, not find a baser comfort in less than the truth.

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