Wednesday, September 20, 2023

(#5344) Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a true force of nature

      In all my lifetime I have never seen such a man as Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He is indefatigable. From day one his telling putin that he would stay in Ukraine and push the Russian horde from his homeland to yesterday at the United Nations in New York telling the world that Ukraine must defeat the tyrant putin and bolster democracy. The force of his will makes him the best example of what a human being may become. "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" this quote is all of what Zelenskyy is. He was necessarily born great because it is obviously within him. He achieved greatness with his election as president of Ukraine. The invasion by Russia was thrust upon him and he has championed a response.
     In these daily blog posts what I write is the fact that I think all people are unique and offer differing positives to our societies. At least all have that potential. Some falter when given the opportunity to do greatness and many never get the opportunity. Yet I know in my soul that we all are capable of being something outstandingly special. Which is why I believe in democracy. When we are all equal shareholders in our futures then the best of who we are is given a chance to flourish. In this instance it is Volodymyr who has flourished. Even more so.
     We here in the west need a super hero to believe in. If you doubt me just observe what we entertain ourselves with. Make believe super men and women who are able to do the nearly impossible to effect right over wrong. It is within us humans to crave such behavior. Well we don't need entertainment to bring us real live heroes like Zelenskyy. He exists in our current reality. He would downplay any talk of himself being a hero and would instead point to the Ukrainian fighting forces that are putting their lives on the line every minute of every day. His point is valid but for a few things. He is their voice, passion, and perseverance for fighting and as long as he is the world will know that Ukrainians are a special people who are led by a man whom in my estimation deserves our most honored appreciation.

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