Wednesday, September 13, 2023

(#5337) The mess that is republican politics

      What to do with republicans? If it were me deciding their fate I would not vote for any of them. They just don't seem to get that they work for we the people! Instead they work for the wealthy and now it seems for dictators like putin. What happened to the republican party that was for law and order? What happened to the republican party that would go to war to defend democracy? What happened to the republican party that understood the needs of our society and enacted legislation that improved the lives of our citizenry? I cannot tell you what happened to that republican party that was positively active back in my very early younger formative years but not since then.
     Starting with nixon, who by the way passed the Environmental Protection Agency, every republican president since has been churning their way toward reducing government like with the EPA. Instead of making the wealthy pay their share of taxes that would keep our society robust they instead make the poor among us suffer through homelessness and hunger. There was a change in the outlook of republicans about 60 years ago that has since led them to this point. Why I don't know but the effect is obviously greed. In no universe can republicans justify making the many low income poor people suffer in order to allow the wealthy to have even more resources.
     It is a callousness that is now ingrained into the republican political and economical philosophy. Use people as property in order to gain for themselves. The only pursuit of happiness is for those who lie, cheat, and steal their way to prosperity. The democratic ideals of equity, fairness, and justice are not to be allowed for those who are not wealthy nor powerful. The republican party has become a safe haven for the sociopaths in our nation. If you don't feel an obligation to the ideals of democracy then putin and his crowd of tyrants sound like a better alternative. The republican party is a mess and not voting for any of them is the only solution I can think of.

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