Thursday, June 27, 2019

Advanced civilized behavior (#3800)

     Something you will never get from trumps or his republican party. They are all about boorish behavior that punishes the average American citizen and rewards the wealthy. Like the lyric David Byrne sang, "same as it ever was", Last night although I didn't watch the event, the word is that the democratic debate was an example of advanced civilized debate. Ideas offered WITHOUT pejoratives or ad hominems. Something we never see with trump or his cult following. A refreshing start to the 2020 presidential campaign that we haven't seen since 2016.
     So I am here to say that an accomplished debate about the present and future of our nation is worthy of note especially since all of the bad policies of the trumps are needing to be protested loudly. Shouting much like with the voices of Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith do in their song "Shout", Our democracy today is crying for its soul because it has been pierced by the psychotic disregard trumps have for human life. Our democracy can only survive if and only if we are humane. Otherwise we are doomed to a dystopia far more cruel and brutish.
     If we don't live the way we believe then the hypocrisy of our lives will fill the air with a stench so great that not even existence will endure our corruptions. The first rule of life is to live from your heart and then put your mind to it. A mind without a heart is a trump cult member who has to hate and punish as a way to find the illusion of being alive. The equation is faulty and not what makes the human race an advanced group of beings. Just remember, like Michael Stipe sings in "Everybody hurts",, we have got to take care of each other not ignore and condescend to value some less than others.

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