Sunday, June 9, 2019

The national disgrace of migrant abuse and killings (#3782)

     This to me is the most horrific of the crimes the trumps have committed and that is saying a lot considering trump's anti planet, women, race and intelligent wars. The deaths, rapes and abuses to these souls who came here looking for a better life is beyond repairing. Somehow the trumps must be stopped and as quickly as possible. I am so embarrassed by our nation's inability to stop this shame of making people into not only property but garbage as well. We have some racial groups in our nation who already feel like that and with trumps it is getting worse for them as well.
     I sit here and write about my outrage yet there is little I can do but rail to anyone who will listen. I am so sickened in my soul by trumps and their corrupting, murderous policies that the powers in Washington seem to be able to do little to prevent. There has to be a time where the honor of our nation supersedes the necessity of our wallets. I don't know what egregious act triggers that decision but obviously we haven't found it yet. This too shall pass is not enough of a salve to stop the carnage that keeps happening every single day from trumps and their agenda to destroy anything that is good and decent about our society.
     What is happening at our southern border is akin to ethnic cleansing in the early stages. Where trumps make us immune to the smaller atrocities against these travelers for a better life and then up the ante to making them more expendable without justification. The trump hard line of ending immigration even to death is arrogant and psychopathic. What gives this appointed interloper to our government the right to make grave decisions that upend our own moral compasses? How can we sit here, even me, and do nothing much but accept the trumps decree? As heartbroken as I am I am also riled with an intensity that belies my calm demeanor. The trumps must end now, even before the next election, sooner than later for the sake of all our futures.

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