Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Surviving what is left of trump's appointment (#3791)

     Each day we inch closer to our own election and then it will be the end of trump although he will have a couple of months left after the election. 504 days until the next election and the will of our nation will have its say. There is not one doubt in my mind that the we democrats will carry that day and the jubilation on the streets will be profoundly satisfying. The nightmare that trump has thrust upon us without a care to our well being is about to end but in the meantime we have to survive him. Our House of Representatives is working overtime to thwart him but our courts need to do the same.
     We are at a bit of a headwind with our Supreme Court but I expect that although they are majority republican voters they will not want the Albatross of trump around their necks as a legacy. So short of starting a war as a strategy to bolster trumps we are surely going to need to buckle down and weather his cruelty here at home. Many of us will be hit with his directives as punishment but that is not the kind of thing that will defeat us. Instead it will continue to anger us and in so make his looming loss that much bigger. He, as with Karma, will suffer himself inversely proportional to his behavior and actions.
     I am almost giddy at the thought that we will make him pay for his arrogance and duplicity once he is out of office unless of course he finds friends amongst our enemies and cuts and runs. He will be hounded the rest of his life for his deeds and rightly so. Never in the modern history of our nation has such a huckster been given such grave responsibilities and done so much to hurt those who expected him to be a decent steward. The stain on our democracy is now realized through trumps and no amount of bleach will kill the stench of it.

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