Thursday, June 13, 2019

Honorable people live better lives (#3786)

     I know this one as a fact. Not only from my own experience but from others around me throughout my living time. I had not always been an honorable person. When I was in my cups I was less than honorable too much of the time. But now that I have been out of my cups I am the best version I have ever been of what honor I could live by. I try always to do and say the right things that uplift our society and its members when that is what is needed. Often though I am railing against the worst of what our society is by those who deliberately choose to be dishonorable and inhumane.
     I don't blame those who are unfortunate in life like most all our homeless and poverty stricken folks. I blame those who have the power to change that paradigm and yet do nothing or worse make it worse. Greed is an all consuming vice that many have chosen over the virtue of humanitarianism. For them they know that life is short and all they want out of it is everything regardless of the wake of damage they leave trailing behind. For me, it is the opposite. I want to leave a legacy of kindness and care that surpasses the limits of my ability to make the world better. I do this by giving the little I have even when it means I go without.
     I do not know why we all exist on this finite planet or how it all came to be, yet I don't act like it was all for me. What I do know is that when we all can smile at each other and have a good chance for a decent life we are all better off for it. Our hearts may be troubled at times due to the whirligig of misfortune but we all know that we are in this together and as such never try or think about leaving any of us behind. We are the human species an amazing biological specimen that has shattered the known history of cellular evolution. Yet our disdain for our incredible human heritage is what will destroy the lot of us because we cannot see that nothing honorable exists unless we all do.

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