Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Always vote for democrats (#3784)

     I know not all democrats are really good, a few are downright close to being republicans but even those few will vote for positive change when the time comes. so the rule of thumb is to never vote for a republican and always vote for a democrat. Because even the best most decent republicans there are still want to harm the American working middle poor class due to their conservative philosophical outlook. They are the ones who say that none of us deserves a break unless we make it ourselves. Yet they are constantly taking advantage of privileges they only see as owed to themselves.
     They, republicans, live in a hypocritical world where only democrats and ignorant republican voters are the enemy. Everyone else is above the pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality. I am all for being motivated to become successful but no one is beyond needing help from many to achieve it. Yet republicans state that we must be above needing help to succeed. Funny how so many of them are wealthy because of inheritance and could never themselves have achieved the wealth they were born with. Yet they refuse to acknowledge that and instead blame those who are poor to start with for their own lot in life.
     As many poor folks have found out when you do try to use the levers of financial help to build a business the banks and other money lenders are quick to make terms that stifle and throttle back a poor person's intentions. Because the lenders feel that the idea is always secondary to the money needed to start the enterprise, they want a huge payout for their money loaned. Instead of becoming successful on the merit of hard work and ingenious ideas, the republicans want to become wealthy off of having money. The difference between someone who spends money for profit and someone who created a productive idea through ingenuity is often balanced far more heavily on the money than the innovative concept. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps my ass!

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