Friday, June 7, 2019

Science is smarter than opinion (#3780)

     It gets so tiring listening to people tell me that they know there is no man made climate change problem. I guess they heard someone who is of like mind tell them that it is just a delusion or hoax. Good enough for them despite all evidence to the contrary. When did not believing in science become so plausible? I suppose it was when these people got behind in understanding processes and now just choose to ignore facts they don't like. No hard thinking involved in that, unlike with science and it's logical sequencing. People who give up on trying to understand the simple to the complex only harm themselves and all those around them.
     Unfortunately that is where we are now with so many who have dropped out on a life of learning and choose instead to live a life of fantasy. And yet they call us who use the scientific method, delusional. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! It is once again a propaganda tool to call others what you yourself truly are. I don't spend any time at all arguing in the form of debate with those who will not try to understand the concepts of reasoning, analysis and conclusion. They don't want to be persuaded to change their outlook they only want for us to stop being logical. Which is why I don't spend any time with them and their agenda to be dangerously chaotic.
     Instead I just keep calling them out for their lack of perspective and hope others will challenge themselves to do a little research and discover reality for themselves. I am not here to tell anyone what to think, I am here to say that to think you must be able to see what is possible. Being comprehensive, ie. thorough, and objective, ie. impartial, is the basis to begin and then let the facts and truths speak for themselves. Those who have no inclination as to how to come to a conclusion other than taking someone else's opinion as truth and fact are only betraying their own sense of individualism.

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