Thursday, June 6, 2019

Don't quit on solving problems (#3779)

     Like what I heard in the movie the The Martian, solve one problem and then another and if you solve enough problems you get to come home, paraphrased. It is like that in real life as well. When faced with a problem I tackle solving it until I can't solve it then I work to get help until I finally find a solution. Because what I have learned is that there is always, and I mean always a solution if you keep looking. Such is the case now with our national politics. There is obviously a problem and no amount of denial will change that. So what do we do about it? We look for solutions everywhere and anywhere.
     Not extrajudicial solutions but solutions that are acceptable and normal. Logic dictates that for every action there is an equal inverse reaction. A sort of cost/benefit protocol where nothing is static. So in that logic is where we will find our solution. I am not wise enough to know what that solution is but at least I know to push forward into actions and behaviors for answers. We always have an out in the form of elections but even our elections are being manipulated so an ever increasing likelihood of inaccuracy is possible. I would prefer to elect a new government but as well I would like to see a cost/benefit rationale applied to trumps.
     A Karmic solution is my hope as the justice of such things should be our goal. Those who make the world worse should be treated as such with no quarter given! Another lesson I have learned from never giving up on finding a solution is that everyone becomes clear to the idea that no deed of disrepute will be unpunished. When we hold ill behavior to account then the ill behavior loses its advantages. Our species has had to evolve through what we were to who we are now and that charging of the mettle is a process of awakening and perseverance. We will get through this era of trump because the best of who we are will never let the worst of who we are overcome us!

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