Thursday, June 20, 2019

Articulation without fail! (#3793)

     At this critical time in our nation's present it is absolutely critical that we define our thoughts in no other terms than specific. There can be no room for assuming that the hearer or reader will be able to connect the dots. We have to make the case for our democratic party positions and the who, when, why, what, and how of them. So many times, metaphorically, we leave the punchline on the floor and wonder why no one is laughing at what we thought was hilarious. Especially now that the time for gathering in our voters is beginning. We have to plainly but specifically identify our policies and the need for them in contrast to what republicans are trying to do and what they are doing.
     The downside to not exactly explaining ourselves is that we make it easy for the republicans to deliberately misinterpret our meaning. So to make sure they have no wiggle room to convolute our meanings we beat them to the punch and define our meanings as we speak. When we have logic and common sense on our side it is vital for us to use it as hard as we can given the nature of the trump voter. We are trying to win over those who can distinguish a good policy that not only benefits them but has no harm to it and compare and contrast with what republicans are offering. Much like with health care where the republican option is to just die we democrats want all of us to strive to live with some form of health coverage for all.
     Regardless of the topic however we have to make our case by calling what we are doing exactly what it is. Hiding from words like socialism and liberal is not how we convince others to join us. Explaining what we want to do with socialism in conjunction with our capitalism and explaining what liberalness does within our society's rules can only help to make our case more attractive than the nothing of value to the majority of us Americans coming from republicans. We must articulate our positions with the most understandable descriptive terms while knocking down the illogical and hatred coming from republicans. We can do this but we must slow down and take the time to explain ourselves as completely as possible.

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