Tuesday, June 25, 2019

We need to surround the White House with protests (#3798)

     The imagery of a massive protest outside the White House to make our anger known for the acts of trump is needed. There can be no better way to get our point across to trump that he is less than unacceptable. The time has come as we fight tooth and nail to keep our democracy afloat with its checks and balances in jeopardy. Every time our House calls a witness in the House's capacity to investigate the trumps thwart every attempt. This is not how our democracy is supposed to work and as such we all should be angered and ready to march for days and weeks in order to get trump out of our White House.
     He cannot be allowed to be treated as normal when he is such a blatant foe of democratic principles. Our nation will not survive its history if we allow trump to have his way. So standing and marching as near the White House as we can is our only real way of keeping the spotlight on who he is and what rotten realities he presents. I, even on the west coast would entertain a plane ticket for a day or two of protesting if we could somehow organize this to happen. It is that important even for me to go into more debt because with trump still running our executive branch owing money may be the least of my concerns.
     So let's get this started and make the attempt to save our democracy from the cruelly-arrogant-narcissistic-wanna-be-dictator and make our demands that he leave office. If we cannot get millions of people to join us then we deserve him as our controller. The time is now for our voices to reach up beyond our keyboards and games and take back control of our out of control national government. The election is not close enough in days to make that the best choice when we still have 497 days until the election. Too much can happen between now and then and for us not to be fighting against trump as hard as we can every day is just another nail in our own coffins.

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