Monday, June 17, 2019

The false bravado of trump (#3790)

   Well well well, we saw behind the curtain yesterday. The trump has fired 3 of his 5 pollsters because he thinks one of them leaked his internal polling numbers,, for which the United States of America is grateful. When responding to the leaked polling numbers trump naturally said that the polling numbers were really fake, sound familiar? Well well well, it seems as if trump has his campaign strategy in place. Everything that is of a negative nature to him is just fake. We have seen this play out before when we were not experienced at it but since the 2016 campaign we have become much wiser to trump's false narrative.
     So instead of knuckling down and working to improve his numbers across America he will just pretend that his numbers are much better than what reality dictates. Fine with me and surely most everyone else since he wants to play in make believe we should just let him. Meanwhile the rest of us will set about choosing a candidate who speaks to our truths and our needs. This is shaping up to be one of the worst shellackings a sitting appointed president will ever endure and it couldn't happen to a more self absorbed cruel skin bag of bones. His bravado will help him along but his out of touch with reality stance will culminate in his defeat and then his court dates for various high crimes and misdemeanors.
     With the people he has surrounded himself with who are all of the bent knees worshipping trump types it is doubtful that any sense of clarity will enter into his vain glorious self enraptured mind. So the path forward for we democrats is clear. Glean down to our candidate and then all of us support that person and vote for every democrat on the ballot. The Senate is still not locked up for us so we need to be vigilant in our attentions and support so that when November 3rd. arrives we wipe the republicans out of leadership off the public political board and then begin the next new rehabilitation of our democracy.

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