Monday, June 10, 2019

There are more working middle poor class members than republicans (#3783)

     So why do we let the republicans continue to destroy our futures? We can vote them out just with our block of people. Are there really that many of us who cannot see the that our buying power has not budged in the last 40 years? Is there some delusional thought among us that tells us that we don't deserve a larger piece of the pie we are helping build with our time and energies? Nothing works in America unless the working middle poor class is a huge part of it. Nothing! So why do we let republicans continue to tell us that we are unworthy?
     The time for this crap to end is yesterday, but since we are here today it must end today or as soon as possible. Every election going forward has to see an end of republicans in public office. With enough elections behind us there should be no republicans left or very few because some areas vote on matters beyond constitutional guarantees like hatred and ignorance. Yet the vast majority of areas vote on common sense, logic and democratic principles. So let us not waste any more time getting our society back into the shape it should have remained well over 40 years ago. A time when jobs for the working middle class were always a rung up toward the working upper class.
     I remember those times well and it was unions who helped tremendously to structure wages and benefits that were fair and livable. Yet the republican party under reagan and since then has been methodically wiping out all those gains while also dismantling unions who were the backbone of the working middle poor class. This is how republicans view our working middle poor class. They hate that the wealthy have to share with others who help them become wealthy. It is akin to a large group finding a treasure and then a few of the group cutting out all the rest so they can have more. None of us would stand for such tactics yet we keep voting for republicans who are all about those kinds of tactics. Enough!

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