Saturday, June 29, 2019

trump going to the DMZ to get new ideas for his border wall (#3802)

     That trump is so transparent in his acts and thoughts is common so projecting out ahead is pretty simple to do with him. Like his trip to the DMZ to meet with the murderer kim. Getting to see first hand how the barrier between North Korea and South Korea is an effective deterrent to keeping people from each other has to be almost salivating to the dog in trump. His racism is all consuming and anything that feeds it is surely too delicious to pass up. I mean come on, why would anyone want to meet at a strip of land known for death?
     Unless of course you are jonesing for something similar yourself. I wonder what name he would give to his very own DMZ? Too many disparaging thoughts going through my head for now so let us just leave it for now. But the idea that trump would do this is all too real to me. I mean come on, why have just a wall when you can have a wall with concertina wire, battlements mounted with machine guns and mortars, a strip of land between that is filled with landmines and claymores? Playing soldier is still a thing with trump although he doesn't like the real soldier stuff yet playing at it he can build his own monument to racism and not have to put himself in lethal jeopardy.
     His act is so old and his buffoonery so disgusting that there is nothing he would do that will ever get a majority of yays from we Americans unless of course he resigned or suddenly expired. But his need to separate our peoples here in the Americas is deep and his desire to accomplish it monumental. With all things trump as we have all learned it isn't so much his ideas that will harm us it is his trying to make his ideas reality. Fortunately for us trump is a disaster at being thorough and efficient at anything of value which usually dooms his ideas before they get started.

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