Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Only colluders remain with trump (#3792)

     Some people inspire loyalty and some inspire hatred. President Obama inspired loyalty and was never an asshole about what matters to people. While trump inspires hatred and those close to him now are the ones who are like him with something to lose they got unfairly. If not outright collusion at least a dishonest opportunist. So the chance that all of trump's inner circle have been treated with dignity and respect is nil. Given that it isn't surprising that some from early on in the trump administration would be ripe for giving up the goods on trump, we expect the truth to come out on a variety of subjects trump has been desperately trying to hide.
     It is that old adage, what comes around goes around. The fact that trump doesn't inspire loyalty is coming around to get him. Those who can make a deal and slip out of their role in the trump criminal and immoral activities the time is coming real soon. There is no reason to take a fall for a guy who would soon as spit on your grave than thank you. So there is no reason to keep his secrets when his secrets can harm you. Give him up and release the burden of your own culpability. To me it is like trying to protect garbage when it will only come around and stink up your life. Let it go and get a new fresh breath of air.
     There is no hiding for trump as time moves forward so get on the ball and get out in front of the mess that is coming his way. Don't be caught in it just because you have your head screwed up trying to protect a man who is not worth protecting. I know it can be difficult to see the bigger picture but trump will not escape his decisions but those he has been disloyal to can escape theirs where trump is involved. The crack in the trump facade is already under way so make your choice now. Jump ship or go down with it. Your call.

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