Wednesday, June 5, 2019

We can do much better as a society (#3778)

     We are not some human being species that is less than intelligent. We are more than the worst of our natures and mindsets. So why can't we seem to get ourselves together enough to make our living experience one worthy of our potential? Because the current powers that be have other plans and them making something off of us is their goal. They think of we humans as property or a resource just waiting to be used. Why would they want all of us to have more than a life of hardship and suffering if they can't make something off of us? So the only way we can get a better life for ourselves and our future generations is to take the reins of power and actualize it ourselves. 
     No one is going to remake our world better for us so it must be us that does it. First off here in America we have to get rid of republicans in political office. That is the start then we have to make sure that a progressive agenda is prioritized above other interests. Our planet needs progressive policies. Our mentally and physically ill need progressive health care. Our brothers and sisters who are stigmatized as others need their democracy to be equal to the democracy of the current privileged and advantaged. Our women need to have equality in our society in every facet of it. The list goes on and on but one constant remains, a progressive approach that has all the interests of our citizens at heart.
     We do this through elections. So every person in America needs to be responsible for finding a way to make sure they are not only registered to vote but who actually vote when the voting time comes. There is nothing in this existence as important as our vote if we want our world to be a better place. In just over 500 days we will be voting on a national level for the most important public positions in our democracy but in the meantime there are state elections coming up that must reflect the direction our nation needs to head if we are going to be what our foreparents dreamed we would be one day.

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