Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tune trumps out (#3799)

     Since the evening trump was declared the appointed president I haven't watched anything trump. For that matter I quit watching cable news as well. Because I know that the narrative around him is deceitful and unhealthy. So no propaganda from trump gets to me unless I see it on the web. Which is fine by me since I control whether to see it. The Democratic debates coming up today will likely give trump the opportunity to spew his disagreements with our party's values and I have no time for his deceptions. So I won't watch the debates but instead will monitor them from the web.
     As with all cable news outlets except fox, the opposing side usually gets to rebut and in no way shape or form will I give the trumps any room inside my head. I know our candidates well enough not to have to watch them with a trumps nearby. We all know trump cannot stand to have someone else in the limelight so he will try very hard to hijack any attention faced away from him. I have better things to do with my time than to listen to someone who exemplifies the worst of what it is to be a human being lie to me.
    By tomorrow morning I will have a full accounting of the debates and see how others who are democrats reacted. I don't need to see the prime time viewing because like some I will not allow the filth of trumps to spoil it. We democrats are on the correct side of society and as long as we stay there the trumps will continue to make absurd outlandish noises that are moot and boorish to civilized minds. The trumps will always have their base of slow and inaccurate thinkers who will cherish them but the majority rest of us just need to stay calm and control our own destiny like mature adults do when the time for standing tall is upon us.

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