Friday, June 14, 2019

Nightmare about a Supernova (#3787)

     Scary stuff dreaming about an impending supernova coming to our solar system and ending all as we know it. Yet that is how vulnerable we are to some reality ending event short of what we are living through with trumps. Although we know life is fragile to the chaos of our Universe we were all raised to believe we were not in any imminent danger from the cosmos for millions of years. Enough time as modernity progressed for us to have other alternatives for planetary living other than in our own galaxy. Yet this dream last night was not so much fiction as a real splash of cold water on my face.
     It got me to thinking. What if what we were told is not so? What if a supernova event is about to happen or has already happened and is on it's destructive path toward us? Well surely the telescopes of the world cannot be in collusion at least we would think. However unlikely an extinction level event is about to occur it brings home to me that with all this current nonsense with trumps and the backward thinking of his cult followers, ie... the republican party, that we are not on a path of modernity but a path toward antiquity and that would leave our species vulnerable to that which we could well have outmaneuvered.
    This is why I despise the republican party among other things like their greed, selfishness and cruelty. They are taking the enlightenment of our species and turning it upside down. They disdain education and research for all of us like they foolishly believe that most of us cannot be intelligent. What republicans don't understand is that their lack of societal ambitions for all of us have made most of us less than ideal to contribute to our society. Thus an endless cycle of swirling down away from enlightenment we go. Our species is greater than that and until we get rid of the republicans and their disabuse of our true heritage of intellectual comprehensiveness we become more vulnerable to that awful supernova event that I dreamt about last night.

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