Saturday, April 18, 2020

199 days left of trump (#4095)

     The next election is 199 days from now and no matter what there will be an election. Why do I say this? Because our constitution lays out that if there is no election trump is automatically out as president. So his only chance to remain in his appointed office is for there to be an election. Now I say there is only 199 days left of his holding office but in reality that is the day we elect a new president. The miserable trump will have another 78 days, until January 20, 2021 to unwind his failed appointed presidency and vacate our White House. Still though we are under 199 days until our next president, Joe Biden begins his transition.
     So as the clock ticks down to zero trump seems to be getting more erratic. His usual pettiness and awfulness has been amplified over the last several months and what I would have expected as a desperate time has gotten even more desperate. He is flailing around like a fish out of water and his flailing is nonstop. We, the sane Americans, must somehow find it within ourselves to avoid being flopped upon by the out of control dying Carp. Every constitutional maneuver must be accounted for so as to have an effective blocking policy ready to go for when trump finally does realize he is no longer a viable option.
     I have little doubt that he will not go quietly into that goodnight, Dylan Thomas reference :). Instead he will fore sake all that is honorable and reasonable and instead struggle mightily to maintain power at all costs. He has shown he cares not a whit about our citizenry as exemplified by his ignoring the latest pandemic to hit our nation. So to expect that he will respect anything that is not his own personal ambition is foolhardy. So we will be preparing for his last gasps of remaining in power with a resolve to keep him at bay as we show the world that the trump reign of selfish greed will not be around for another 4 years.

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