Thursday, April 9, 2020

Get money to people now! (#4086)

     It is imperative that people have some money from the stimulus law as quickly as possible. With so many people furloughed, laid off and outright fired by decrepit management, the need for spending money is crucial. It is appalling that the trump federal administration is so slow in getting the money out to people who are desperate. I am just spitting mad at how slow it is taking the law to be enacted since it became law on March 28, 2020. Today is April 9th so 12 days ago the law was enacted yet no money at all has gone out. I know math is hard for trumps but this is ridiculous. The need is urgent yet not to the trumps.
     I am also really pissed at trumps for allowing this virus into our society because he didn't want to face it. Not only are 10's of millions out of work because of it but many more will soon follow suit. While we are all stuck at home our favorite pastimes in the sports world are dead in their tracks. We are not allowed into public squares nor can we find a roll of toilet paper. This whole fiasco is mind boggling in that trump also thinks that 100,000 of us dying because of his reckless intentions to deny the virus are acceptable. Acceptable to him but for the rest of us it is just more blood on his and his family's hands.
     Another anger hot spot with me was the decision by the republican controlled supreme court that forced Wisconsin to vote this last Tuesday. The need for the vote is not known yet the court acted like it must happen as an imperative. Despite their being only a handful of polling stations operating, late and/or no mailed absentee ballots and a Covid-19 virus circulating at it's peak. What in the name of intelligence was the pressing need to hold this vote? The only beneficiary were the republican party and to the detriment of democrats where the largest democratic voting block had only 5 polling stations available to handle the historic amount of about 200,000 voters. What was the compelling need to hold an election if not just to help the republican party win?

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