Monday, April 13, 2020

This is the ending of the appointed trump presidency (#4090)

     The Covid-19 virus that trump so badly tried to ignore is making its presence felt now in our society in ways trump will have nightmares about if he could feel remorse. He had hoped that the virus was truly just a smokescreen from democrats to undermine his stature. He was also dubious of the intent of the state department that tried to warn him of the impending doom. None of these assumptions by trump proved true and instead the virus was coming, and has landed while he failed to confront it with facts when it could have been contained much more efficiently.
     Along with all the other out of your mind decisions he has made this one is truly the icing on the cake. he has already tried to deflect blame for not being on top of it but that just doesn't work since he was the one who diluted the CDC's pandemic response team, and "drastically reduced a team working in China to identify global health threats like Covid-19, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year."- like all things trump he cannot tell the truth if it harms his image.
     What we have now is a prolonged stoppage of our society as a stopgap to protect as many of us as possible from grave consequences. By waiting too long to embrace the idea that we Americans were actually in peril he has caused the worst economic collapse since the great depression. If trump had one thing he could gloat about with some authenticity it was the economy albeit President Obama left him with a surging economy to begin with. But all of that is gone and won't be back nearly in time for a recovery to more normal numbers before the coming election. So there is no lifeline for trump and he is going to lose this coming election by hefty margins everywhere there is any doubt.

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