Friday, April 10, 2020

How Wall street is destroying Main street (#4087)

     When billionaires and large corporations are given privileges and advantages beyond what is normal the question becomes why in a democratic society? It is that billionaires and large corporations already have great advantages and privileges so why would they be needing more? The only answer is that the republican party has become beholden to them and therefore cannot let them be harmed in any way. Despite them doing the harming to themselves and as we Main streeters know all too well to us in punishing ways.
     As our federal reserve keeps loaning trillions in no interest, to negative interest, loans to them you have to wonder how is it possible that these wealthy need the help? It seems to me that the American people who actually struggle day to day to make ends meet need the help much more deservedly than the ultra wealthy who cannot seem to manage their own wealth without constant government handouts. I have never been offered a no interest loan from any financial institution yet is a regular occurrence for the wealthy. Why do the wealthy need more help than the average Joe? Are we that disposable that our worth is valued not in our merit but in the size of our wallet? A democracy is not established on inequality as a tenet yet the economic tenet of selective advantage and privilege is prevalent within ours.
     Even the stimulus package with it's help for small businesses is being whittled down to helping very few given it's application structure. Yet a no holds barred loan from the federal reserve is given so fast that to blink an eye would be to have missed the transaction. There is some momentum for allowing Wall street to suffer the slings and arrows that the rest of we Main streeters have historically. When a bankruptcy occurs it is dealt with and as such should be the same for the wealthy. Our economy is not frozen in time and for risks and benefits to occur all must work under the same rules. Even the wealthy have to lose yet in our unequal society we won't let them lose despite their best efforts to fail.

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