Saturday, April 4, 2020

The myth of religion (#4081)

     If one needed any proof at all that religion is a myth instead of a hoped for paradigm, one only need look at the latest evidence. To date there has been no proof of religious existence outside hope and today is just another example of that hope being misplaced. I know that this is a touchy subject with many including members of my own family. Yet the evidence is what we base things on through what we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. In this latest case what we see is clear enough. Since the healing powers of religion are a major part of why people pray and believe it is necessary to examine that on a global scale.
     First off the children of poverty have always been excluded from the rationale of the believers as inconvenient. But now with the Covid-19 virus wreaking it's way through our lives leaving dead and sick everywhere it visits, we see that as a prime challenge to those faith healers who go around the country trying to sell their particular brand of christian faith. With the virus there is no healing power greater than it unless one just considers science and logic. As churches keep filling despite the dire warnings of gathering in groups we see more christian people getting sick with the virus and no one being "healed".
     Now no one thing has the complete power to destroy an ancient paradigm like religion that has been held dear by many generations but we do get to see the evidence in a clear light. Science and logic has shown to be the way forward in protecting our species, not prayer or hope of a divine intervention. We must as a species find a way to stop inculcating our hopes and dreams into the disciplines that should only be dominated by facts and truths. I know there is a place for a spiritual life but it isn't something that can be legislated nor forced upon those who find existence as our only life and it is here in the real world with real consequences that require solutions not some make believe otherworldly grace or dispensation.

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