Monday, April 20, 2020

With Covid-19 quarantine protests the stupid will thin themselves out (#4097)

     I am usually pretty quick to help anyone avoid harming themselves as a rule. Yet with these Covid-19 quarantine protests I am unable to do much at all. It is because adults cannot be stopped from deciding to do foolish things regardless of all the evidence to the contrary. I can reason with a reasonable person but I cannot reason with a person who fails to use reason. So as adults they will do what they will do. So the cause of protesting quarantine will result in the effect of most likely contracting the contagion.
     Then the odds of recovering from the virus is less certain especially when there is no immediate cure. That is one phase of the problem. Another phase is that if someone contracts the virus it is difficult to actually diagnose the actual contracting when the tests are limited and of short supply. So as one may have the virus unchecked they become hot spots for others to also obtain the virus. the stubborn stupid one is then able to spread the disease to others who may or may not share the stupid idea that the virus is a hoax or not that deadly.
     What will occur among themselves, as the unlearned keep spreading the virus, is that they are contributing to the death toll that is actually real and happening. They will shortly find that their numbers will decrease due to sudden awareness by some of their group and their new found respect to protect themselves and more sadly by their lives ending through the viral infection. So some will wise up and join the rest of us and those that don't become at greater risk of dying, thus the thinning of the herd. I would rather that the stupid were not so stubborn in their lack of knowledge but it isn't up to me is it? So they will get their due because logic dictates, something they also refuse to acknowledge, that for every cause there is an effect.

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