Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The flawed Wisconsin voting decision by the US Supreme Court (#4084)

     Yesterday was like a look behind the curtain moment with the majority republican supreme court. It wasn't pretty folks and with republicans it never is. They, all five conservative republicans on the 9 member highest court, decided that it was worth risking lives for the constituents of Wisconsin to exercise their foundational right to vote. Not only forcing them to cast ballots at polling stations where the number of polling stations were decreased dramatically but also denying the extension of absentee ballots that won't get to the constituents until after today's election.
     The correct thing to do was to allow the Wisconsin governor's request to delay the election until after the Covid-19 peak had subsided like other states have done. But no, The unique situation in Wisconsin where republicans control the state houses allowed them to override the Governor and not stop what they think will be an advantage to them in the voting today. The five controlling republican conservatives on the supreme court, roberts, thomas, alito, gorsuch, and kavanaugh decided that denying democracy was better than giving up a conservative republican advantage. The opposite of democracy.
     The illegitimacy of the supreme court has now become evident. That republicans can overrule the intent of democracy with impunity is established. There are no more kid gloves in this fight to save our democracy as all who would fight to preserve our Constitution have the motivation needed to put down the republican conservative rebellion. All free societies have this one duty equally among it's citizenry, the defense of our rule of law. Now that republicans have shirked their duty to the rule of law and the basic principles of democracy the battle line is drawn with no equivocation. The gauntlet has been thrown down so now is where we begin.

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