Friday, April 24, 2020

I am fanatic about social distancing (#4101)

     As my neighbors know now I am not one to waffle about keeping distances between us. Things are not like before the virus hit. I know some are less informed about the protocols for staying as safe as possible but with me around there is no confusion. This virus is for real and is deadly especially to those of us who are not as healthy as young people. So until there is a plenty of testing with a vaccine I am not going to allow anyone within 6 feet of me regardless of who they are. Now in an emergency I will weigh my response based upon the emergency but it would have to be a valid emergency for me to consider breaking my distancing rule.
     It isn't just me that I am worried for it is those who live in my realm and their need to be safe from infection as well. There are too many others out there who are not taking this virus seriously and their inability to practice good safety precautions threatens all of us. This is no drill nor false alarm, it is the real deal and as we Americans have passed the 50,000 death mark it is surely no hoax. The first known death from this virus was 78 days ago, Since then more than 50,000 deaths have followed.
     The virus is no respecter of differences in humans so we all are at risk when we don't work hard to protect ourselves. But we need all of us to do the same and the social distancing however effective is not the only defense we can mount. Washing hands and wearing masks when out in the public square are just as crucial. How long it will take for this virus to come under our control is unknown and that is has the capability to mutate is another factor in our inability at present to corral it effectively. Fanaticism is rarely a good trait but in this instance where an unseen deathly threat is about fanaticism about our protections is actually a good thing.

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