Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The human spirit (#4105)

     No matter what form the human spirit takes there is no denying the fact that curiosity will be at its core. I posit that caring and wondering are the 2 main behavioral human traits that are within us all. Outside of survival these two, compassion and curiosity, define our species. There are other traits of lesser good that expose themselves when we are not practicing our compassion and curiosity but those are due to lacking not dominance. Each and every day starts the same for me in that I wake to see what is going on. I also look to see to my wards and their well being.
     Life is real simple if we understand that the innocence of our youth was and is our first and most precious understanding. We, nearly all of us lose sight of our early understanding and begin down pathways of life that are not in harmony with our souls. Those of us who found our way back to our inner child are the fortunate ones because it is in our reawakening to who we are that we find the courage and strength to live with peace. I knew early on in my young life that I wanted to be a hero type. I can easily imagine that most all of us had the same hoped for destiny.
     Now I am not a hero in the sense of the word that I hold as one, but my actions are of one who is ready to be a hero if the moment strikes. When being a better person everyday is the rule and not the exception. When believing in reality is greater than any fantasy I may wish to hide within. When allowing the humanness of my emotions to be real and not try to hide them behind a mask of some false self serving narrative. When accepting the truth as the only way forward instead of some version of the truth that allows me to escape it. When knowing my humility is real and being humble is greater than the arrogance of any hidden unworthiness.

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