Wednesday, April 22, 2020

trump will follow the money right off an electoral cliff (#4099)

     It isn't unexpected that trump has put all his eggs into one basket, the economy. Which explains why he is so itchy to restart our normal patterns of commerce. Even in the face of the beginning stages of the pandemic he dismisses as controlled. The problem of course is to never put all your eggs in on basket lest unforeseen forces destroys them all at once. The second problem is that the pandemic is not under control nor is it even understood as to it's spread. There are not enough tests to accurately define our infection rate.
     Third problem is that reopening our economy without a viable cure is not only a dangerous gamble but it is an unnecessary one. We can ride this pandemic out with cautious policies and support our citizens with social/economic programming until the pandemic passes. But not with trump because of the fourth problem. That problem is the coming election. He has used his appointed presidency to attack our democracy in a way that would make him more a king than an appointed president. If the economy doesn't open he will not be able to maintain his desired luxurious lifestyle.
     Not only will he become a regular citizen again but he will be open to the many criminal and civil charges he has accumulated over these past few decades. So trump has to open the economy back up as his only chance of trying to hold onto our people's White House. So it won't matter how many die from his desperation nor the many more who will die because of new round of infections that will happen when our economy does open too soon. He will either barely hold onto the presidency in some nearly impossible scenario or more likely he will be defeated by such a large margin that the whole of our federal administration will become a democratic blue tsunami. Occam's Razor tells me that trump will be defeated this next election and it will be because he will have killed many Americans to save his own personal desire to keep our democracy for himself.

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