Wednesday, April 29, 2020

trump's Vietnam (#4106)

     58,200 American souls were lost over the decade plus war fought over in Vietnam and surrounding countries. For most of my young life there was the same news just about everyday where some detail of loss in battle was reported on the television news and daily newspapers. Vietnam is a word that has so much meaning to me and I was not even a soldier fighting over there or a Vietnamese non combatant citizen who was forced to accept their daily struggle of trying to stay alive between two opposing forces. For many of those who were obligated by a national draft the decision to go was limited to either going to war or getting out of America.
     Some who had political and wealth connections had other recourse like trump who was able to defer his draft status 5 times, partly through sketchy means, Suffice it to say trump had limped away from his duty to our country when he was young while now he is limping away from his responsibility to our health care crisis as our appointed president. His inaction and denial of a viral crisis was upon us has now put the many of us at risk with over 1 million of us infected. The death toll of 59,284 today and counting to our nation is more than all who died in Vietnam 50 years or so ago.
     This Covid-19 virus is his own personal Vietnam and he has made the many of us his accomplices and casualties. He failed us back when the Vietnam war was raging and he is failing us now as this deadly virus is waging its destruction. He is to blame for the disaster of a defense against it and no one is going to believe his shucking of responsibility. trump was wrong then when he shirked his duty as well as now as he shirks his responsibility. All of this could have been avoided had trump been a stand up guy all those years ago, but he wasn't and now we the may of us are paying for his cowardice and condescension.

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