Monday, April 6, 2020

Staying at home (#4083)

     What is sort of usual for me is staying home and doing things around this old house. So the virus may have locked us down to our domiciles but for me it is nothing new. What I do instead of meaningless things is work on keeping this house maintained and upgraded. Yard work is like second nature to me. For one thing it gets me outside into the fresh air and warmth of the sun when it is shining. There are lots of little and big projects I need to be attending and this gives me the time I need to gear up for them. I do like watching some television at times and that is another outlet for me to enjoy.
     But it is in the work around the house where I find my time being spent for the most part. The little nagging things that build up over time are being addressed. Of course I spent a lot of my life in construction so little things for me are challenging for others who don't the experiences I have. I am also one of those guys who buys ahead when he can for materials I know I will need for my projects, so in the garage I have stored materials for doing just that. No need to run to the home supply store for anything right now. I am not a real healthy person so being judicious with my time and efforts is also a concern. Yet I am relentless in my attitude and pushing my body, more often than not, is the normal anyway.
     We have had rain the last few days so no outside work has been done but that is okay as I just spent a full day straight through to get some dirt moved around on Friday. My body is well tired and needed a few days to get back to just minor aches now. I also have a den full of items that need to go into the bins and that will be happening more likely tomorrow. There is much to do around here and I never let it overwhelm me. I just start on something and then keep going until it is done regardless of whether other ideas pop up along the way. I just add them to the growing list of things for me to do as my life keeps moving forward. For how long I don't know but I can never say I don't have something to do to keep me busy, virus or no virus.

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