Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Letting troops die is what trump is doing! (#4078)

     There has been an emergency situation with one of our aircraft carriers. The Theodore Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier has many cases of Covid-19 infections aboard and cannot seem to get a control solution from trump. Just another example of how ill prepared trump has made our national government. The ship is docked in Guam and thankfully they are working to try to confine and control the spread of the virus, yet Guam is not ideal for handling the infections. The greater emergency is ahead because it isn't feasible to remove the sailors from the ship and quarantine them while maintaining readiness for any forthcoming event.
     So while the ship is in limbo as to how to solve it's infections while being away from home the danger is that trump is not a planner. He flies by the seat of his pants and although that may have worked for him in private life it does not work as the appointed commander in chief of the world's largest military. Given that trump has already accepted that over 100,000 deaths is acceptable, which no sane person would ever do, the idea that trump will fight hard to protect the lives of our military service personnel is more improbable than possible. The republican party is complicit in this and although they deem themselves the friend of the military it is only when they can use that claim in election ads and not in real life.
     There are going to be deaths in our military due to the Covid-19 virus and for that as well as those who have already died in civilian life trump is the author. He blamed President Obama for his handling of the Ebola virus despite only 2 persons dying of it and they were infected in Africa and then came home to die. As of this writing more than 3,000 have died of the Covid-19 virus and estimates range from 100,000 at the low end to possibly 2,500,000 at the high end. Either way to think that President Obama handled his epidemic worse than trump is to live in fantasyland, although fantasyland has been correctly identified as a synonym of republicanland.

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